Suite Francaise


France, 1940. Lucile Angellier’s husband has been captured as a prisoner-of-war, and all she can do is wait for him – and tend to the household controlled by her domineering mother-in-law. Their small village is soon occupied by a regiment of German soldiers, forcing the locals to coexist with an invading Nazi force.
Lieutenant Bruno von Falk takes up lodgings with the Angellier women, and Lucile struggles with her growing feelings for the handsome officer – soon a powerful love draws them together, and they too fall victim to the tragedy of war. Irene Nemirovsky began writing Suite Francaise in 1940, but her death in Auschwitz prevented her from seeing the day, sixty-five years later, that the novel would be discovered by her daughter and hailed worldwide as a masterpiece.

Издател: Vintage
Език: Английски
Година: 2015
ISBN: 9780099598442
Страници: 432
Корици: меки
Тегло: 310 грама
Размери: 13×20
Наличност: Да
Раздел: на английски език, Художествена литература на чужди езици, Художествена литература, Книги

Цена: 19.95

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