Romeo and Juliet


Though not actually a tragedy, the story of the two ‘star-crossed lovers’ bears witness to Shakespeare’s growing skill in shaping tragic drama.
As Romeo and Juliet come from opposing families, their love must be concealed until after their marriage. But Romeo has been banished for avenging the death of Mercutio and, despite the well-meaning intervention of Friar Laurence, fate ensures that theirs is a wedding that will never take place.

Издател: Penguin Books
Език: Английски
Година: 2003
ISBN: 9780140623383
Страници: 156
Корици: меки
Тегло: 97 грама
Размери: 18×11
Наличност: Не
Раздел: на английски език, Художествена литература на чужди езици, Художествена литература, Книги

Цена: 4.95

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