

From the first recorded battle, fought between the Canaanites and the Egyptians at Megiddo, to the modern era of Mutually Assured Destruction, warfare is as old as human history itself. Battle is the definitive record of this remarkable but brutal story.
Battle features indispensable detail and insight into every aspect of war, providing you with the ultimate reference to 5,000 years of armed combat.
The conflicts – from classical times to the present day – understand the causes, events, and consequences of each war.
The generals – from Alexander the Great to General Schwarzkopf – meet the preeminent military leaders of each age. The weapons – from chariots to laser-guided missiles, examine the tools and technology of war.
On the field of battle – witness the intensity, courage, and horrific reality of warfare through gripping and moving personal accounts.
With striking full-colour photographs, maps, and illustrations highlighting every aspect of warfare, Battle is the essential visual record to one of the most dramatic of all human activities.

Издател: Dorling Kindersley
Език: Английски
Година: 2005
ISBN: 9781405316392
Страници: 360
Корици: твърди
Тегло: 1580 грама
Размери: 27×22
Наличност: Не
Раздел: История на чужди езици, История, Книги

Цена: 29.95

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