
Shadow Cities – A Billion Squatters, A New Urban World


In almost every country of the developing world, the most active builders are squatters, creating complex local economies with high rises, shopping strips, banks, and self-government. As they invent new social structures, Neuwirth argues, squatters are at the forefront of the worldwide movement to develop new visions of what constitutes property and community.

Издател: Routledge
Език: Английски
Година: 2006
ISBN: 9780415953610
Страници: 352
Корици: меки
Тегло: 553 грама
Размери: 23.5×16.8
Наличност: Не
Раздел: Хуманитарна литература на чужди езици, Хуманитарни науки, Книги

Цена: 59.00

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